Difficult times call for desperate measures. Yet what measures can be taken?

Commander Rodion Malinovsky discusses the problem of resources.
Evan Ng
08 June 2022
Distress and tension filled the room as it’d been discovered the US had sent a spy plane targeting the Soviet Union earlier today.
Gromyko sought the US for an apology, only to be rejected, and met with a rather reasonable demand that the USSR remove their missiles from Cuba. Yet the US had installed Jupiter missiles in Turkey, and Italy as well.
“We are being pressured domestically, and internationally, comrades,” Kozlov cried, “Remember that the US’ missile weapons outnumber ours by more than half. We have to think about this properly.”
The council members’ viewpoints toward fighting back. How could the USSR hope to achieve peace, after such a daring enemy move signalling war intent?
“Missiles in Cuba have to be functional and ready,” quoted Brezhnev. “Our forces should be vacated and moved and missiles should be put in Berlin, as well.”
Previously, the council had pushed to blockade Berlin. “Why not pull a UNO reverse card?” came Brezhnev. “Do what the US did for Cuba; airlift them.” The US had previously installed missiles in Turkey and Italy as well.
Brezhnev mentioned that espionage might not be sufficient for grounds of war. But the evidence and photos of the U2 spy plane went beyond that in that it gave reason for the USSR to call war. Kosygin brilliantly suggested the usage of a smear campaign on the US and tarnish their reputation.
However, they recognised that there was a glaring issue they had to consider – they possessed little resources. Lest war happened, Russian economy and the peoples’ standard of living would severely decrease.
And without allied forces to combat the US, the Soviet Union’s chance of victory was close to naught. Action taken had to change direction - toward utilising as little military action as possible.
It was confirmed that there were no survivors in the spy plane. Yet it possessed advanced renaissance tech, and should still be taken as an act of aggression. Though it had to be remembered that it was a spy plane, not a missile – no threat to the USSR was posed.
What if this was bait? From the US to accuse the USSR of wrongly calling to war when they had no grounds to?
Even then, for the sake of self-preservation and protection of the ideology of the Soviet Union, the council cannot ignore the existential threat. The USSR would have to react with diplomacy, even if it meant treading on thin ice.
