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  • Writer's pictureSingapore MUN

The Welcome Letter

Welcome to Singapore Model United Nations 2022!

Nothing can explain this moment as we stand on the grounds of NUS University Town, being able to see each other eye to eye. It is with tremendous gratitude that we welcome each of our delegates into SMUN.

Speaking on part of the Press Dais of this year’s edition, we are proud to present the height of academic rigour compiled in Torch 2022 and its website. Every year, we work hard to bring you excellent coverage of all councils through our hardworking Press delegates. To finally see all our effort from the past six months, whether it was crafting topic guides or thinking about ways to engage with our delegates, bear fruits has been a truly inspiring moment.

Now the next flame of Torch has been passed to us and we truly hope that you will enjoy the quality that we continue to offer in terms of insightful and intriguing content.

To us in the Press Corps, this council is not like any other. You get to roam around the council as you choose and discover what each council has to offer. But here we believe that journalism is first and foremost about pursuing the truth, to investigate the issues and to frame it all together in an informational and influential way.

As you read the publication, we hope that the articles not only bring you some fond memories of your different councils, but also help you to critically assess the truth that has been brought to light. Each agency comes with their own biases and agenda, but how does it influence the truth?

Also, with regards to SMUN’s incumbent focus on sustainability, we see the potential for each council to bring it forward to the next. With this in mind, the Press Corps put in the utmost diligence to accurately and critically cover the solutions brought out by each delegate to provide a better future for us all.

Signing off,

Editorial team


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